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Writer's pictureChloe Bircher

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” - free Pilates class inside!

Sorry I couldn’t resist a bit of Festive cheer to start this blog. As you may be able to tell, Christmas is a favourite of mine. Admittedly this year it will be a very different experience for us all but that being said the Christmas holiday is in sight, the tree is ready to be put up, the amazing food has started to enter our homes and the good old saying of, ‘go on it’s Christmas’, has started to be said every time a chocolate or mince pie is close by.

However, even though I love this time of year, I do get slightly overwhelmed with the number of things that need to be done. Of course, there are the usual things to think about, gifts, decorations, what food to buy, work commitments and trying to get a workout session in. Right now, I am sat here at the start of Lockdown 2 and have had to add – ‘will I get to see my family this year’ on to the ever-growing list of worries alongside ‘did I remember to bring my mask with me?’. I really do not envy people with children, as moving an elf each night might just push me over the edge.

We all feel the need to make December perfect and we all seem to put others needs before our own. It will come to no great surprise that December has started to be considered one of the most stressful months of the year and trying to fit everything in can feel like an enormous task. With so much on our minds fitting in a workout is at the bottom of our priorities list but did you know exercise has been proven to boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality, energy and help reduce stress!

We all need to give our mental health a boost in these uncertain times and to me all movement is good movement. So put on those walking shoes, sign up for that online class and get your body moving!

I know that uncertain times lay ahead but remember I am here for every single one of you and I know that we can get through all this together.

To do the free Pilates class just click on the play below and enjoy!



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